Lake Mburo National Park is conveniently located close to the western high way that connects…

The Uganda Wildlife Authority is in charge of overseeing and defending wildlife both inside and outside of protected areas. The Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife, and Antiquities is in charge of the organisation. The Uganda Wildlife Authority was established in 1996 and is run under the guidelines of the Wildlife Act of 2000. For the benefit of the nation and the local population, this semi-autonomous government organisation conserves, safeguards, and manages Uganda’s wildlife.
Maintaining and Protecting Wildlife
Ten National Parks, twelve Wildlife Reserves, five Community Wildlife Management Areas, and thirteen Wildlife Sanctuaries are under the management of the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA). Queen Elizabeth, Lake Mburo National Park, Murchison Falls, Kidepo Valley, Kibale, Mount Elgon, Rwenzori Mountains, Semuliki, Mgahinga Gorilla, and Bwindi Impenetrable National Parks are among the ten National Parks. The greatest in East Africa may be seen in these parks. Their tropical woods and Rift Valley scenery provide striking backgrounds for a wide range of plant and animal life.

Take on the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, discover the untamed Kidepo Valley, see Queen Elizabeth National Park’s tree-climbing lions, hike up the Virunga Volcanoes, summit the snow-capped Rwenzori Mountains, discover ancient tribal customs and crafts, or simply unwind at your lodge while taking in the breath-taking sights and sounds of Africa’s friendliest location.
Wildlife in Uganda
In addition to boat trips, nature walks, mountain climbing, and wildlife research activities, the parks provide “traditional” savanna safaris. With over 1,000 kinds of birds, many of which are unique to the planet, Uganda is the best place on the continent to go bird watching. In addition, 13 different species of primates, including our nearest relative, the chimpanzee, and more than half of the world’s endangered mountain gorillas, call it home.

Currently, Uganda Wildlife Authority has a group of veterinarians working for them full time. This amazing staff works year-round, around-the-clock, to provide medical care to sick and injured animals in our many protected areas. These admirable men and women have committed their lives to preserving Uganda’s amazing wildlife for upcoming generations.
Wildlife populations are increasing, which is a major result of their life-saving efforts. Their proficiency in soothing and tending to some of the most recognisable wild creatures globally is essential to UWA’s conservation endeavours.

Rangers of the Uganda Wildlife Authority
Although Uganda’s team of rangers, forest guards, watchers, park wardens and field enforcement officers work in a variety of capacities and under different titles, they are all members of the same category. They are the conservation community’s unsung heroes.
The six main facets of UWA rangers’ dynamic work include patrolling, animal monitoring, stopping poaching, interacting with local communities, controlling fires, and supporting the growth of tourism in our diverse protected areas.
Rangers serve as the forest’s eyes and ears, and the main goal of their patrols is to safeguard the area and its fauna. Rangers search for indications of illicit activities in addition to evidence of animals when on patrol. For many of Uganda’s important species, poaching and the illegal wildlife trade pose the most urgent threats.

Not only does poaching affect animals, but it also undermines the region’s biodiversity and natural habitat due to illegal logging. Every day, rangers will remove any snares or traps they come across along the pathways they patrol, as well as note the locations and indications of any illegal activities. According to national law, they take action against illicit acts.
Roles and Duties of the Uganda Wildlife Authority
A diverse array of fauna, animals, birds, mountains, geography, and lakes characterise the gem of Africa. The only authority in Uganda that oversees wildlife conservation on behalf of the government is the Uganda Wildlife Authority. The functions of UWA are listed below. The Authority is very important to Uganda’s tourism industry’s growth.
The Uganda Wildlife Authority is tasked with overseeing and monitoring all operations carried out in all national parks, game reserves, and other unprotected areas that are directly managed by the Authority throughout the country.

Combat poaching within the nation. The Uganda Wildlife Authority is responsible for ensuring that none of our animals are killed in any way. This is one of the biggest issues affecting the majority of protected areas in Africa, not only in Uganda. The Uganda Wildlife Authority’s tough policies have led to a decrease in poaching, which is good news.
Educating and making the local population aware of the value of wildlife to the community. UWA has a huge responsibility to educate and raise awareness among the communities who exit the protected regions about the importance of wildlife. Continue to share the suggested percentage of wildlife’s direct contribution to locals’ well-being.
Give current information on the national parks. As they offer comprehensive information on the protected areas, the rangers are authorised to advise visitors during their visit.
to guarantee that the parks are regularly and punctually patrolled in order to preserve the integrity of the protected area.
Finding suitable game reserves that can be gazetted as national parks in order to provide sufficient protection for the ecosystem, biodiversity, and natural environment is another important duty of the Uganda Wildlife Authority.

To guarantee prompt resolution of any animal-related issue that is brought to the attention of a community. To guarantee that the inhabitants are shielded from attacks by wildlife, the Uganda Wildlife Authority collaborates closely with other security organisations.
Make all reservations for gorilla and chimpanzee trekking on behalf of people or tour operators whose guests wish to engage in these activities.
Hire wildlife rangers and staff from other UWA offices to generate jobs for the local community.
The Uganda Wildlife Authority is in charge of promoting the nation’s breath-taking scenery through a variety of marketing strategies, including internet marketing, brochures, visiting trade exhibitions, planning business trips, and more.
The Authority is the nation’s managing organisation tasked with cultivating favourable conditions for private investors in order to promote and grow the tourist sector. The UWA’s responsibility is to promote private investors in the area, including tour companies and lodging establishments.